by Rachel French | July 15, 2021 | Business, Marketing

When we think of online search, most of us reflexively think of Google, and when we think of online advertising, we automatically think of Google Ads. But have you considered Microsoft Ads? It might surprise you to find out that when it comes to flexib …

by Jessica Squires | June 14, 2021 | Legal

Virtual paralegals can be a profit center for your law practice by allowing you to bill out your paralegal’s time at a profit while freeing up attorney time that can be billed at a higher rate. First things first: Can you bill a virtual paralegal’s tim …

by Sue Collier | May 20, 2021 | Social Media

As social media platforms constantly change their algorithms, brands are forced to become social media experts. Creating exciting content takes time, so it’s understandable that companies want to see a return on these efforts. If your social media isn’ …

by Sue Collier | April 9, 2021 | Legal

Far too many law firms and legal teams are still running their entire practice with some combination of these three methods: A massive collection of spreadsheets; Multiple software tools that each do one specific thing; or Piles and piles of manila fol …

by Sue Collier | March 31, 2021 | Business

Online learning and training have become not just a critical marketing channel for executives and professionals, but another avenue for generating revenue that compliments core service offerings. The e-learning market is expected to exceed $300 billion …

by Sue Collier | March 5, 2021 | Human Resources

Have you ever seen a professional football team go out onto the field without learning the playbook? Or a conductor leading an orchestra without a score? Well, that’s what operating a small business without an employee handbook looks like. Disorganized …

by Sue Collier | January 26, 2021 | Marketing

Keeping an eye on the performance of your email campaigns is crucial for maintaining your brand and getting good deliverability and conversion rates. When your campaign isn’t bringing in the results you’d hoped for, it might be time for an email market …

by Sue Collier | January 6, 2021 | Business, Productivity

The best PowerPoint presentations shouldn’t be remembered. Instead, they should fall into the background to support you and the message you’re trying to get across. What does stand out is a bad PowerPoint presentation. Whether it’s too many lines of te …

by Sue Collier | December 9, 2020 | Productivity

A content calendar is a way to plan the written content that you will be sharing on social media, email, or your website over the next week, month, or year. The calendar allows you to visualize what content will be distributed when and allows you to co …

by Sue Collier | November 23, 2020 | Legal

Operating your law office remotely means thinking about more than just the nuts and bolts of Zoom calls and document sharing.  It also means managing a team remotely.  Being able to ensure you’re your team is completing work according to instructions a …

by Sue Collier | November 10, 2020 | Human Resources, Virtual Assistant

As businesses have increasingly migrated their operations from the office to remote working arrangements, while simultaneously coping with a challenging economic environment, many are shifting business functions outside of the organization. While many …

by Eric Wall | October 21, 2020 | Business, Virtual Assistant

With more people working remotely, either temporarily or for the long-term, more businesses are considering outsourcing operations and bringing on a virtual assistant. When exploring options, most businesses are immediately confronted with the question …

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