Doubling Down on Digital: Real Estate Marketing Trends in 2020

by | Aug 24, 2020 | Marketing

When much of the country went on lockdown in March 2020 given fears of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the nation, many industries had to quickly pivot. The real estate industry is just one of the many that thrive on personal connection—from home showings to handshakes. But things had to change—fast.

Our virtual marketing assistants have been helping real estate agents with their marketing throughout the pandemic and here are a few things we’ve learned about how real estate agents are changing their promotional strategies in today’s marketplace.

Harnessing Suburban Migration

As there has been a wave of migration from cities to the suburbs and more rural areas, extending your contacts to agents in other areas has become more important. Listing agents outside cities can benefit from referrals of buyers looking to relocate. Urban agents looking to sell homes benefit by putting their clients in a position to relocate, expediting the time they can bring the property currently owned by the buyer to market.

As lockdown restrictions impede conventional means of networking, it’s more important than ever to have an online presence on a variety of social media platforms. Social media provides a great platform to demonstrate your understanding of your clients’ needs and to create a message that’s in-step with the times.

The Right Video Strategy

Real estate professionals continue to work toward proficiency in the latest real estate technology, especially virtual tours.  Agents need to be creative about how they use video to provide the information their clients need. This includes a blend of pre-shot video of properties for social media, Zoom meetings with potential clients to discuss needs, and the use of live video on Facebook and Instagram to allow for a more interactive viewing experience.

Following Up Digitally

With clients working from home, having effective digital marketing campaigns is more important than ever. You should have active email marketing campaigns that keep you top of mind with prospects and referring agents. Content marketing campaigns that focus on topics of interest to your clients should be posted to draw prospects to your website via search. Further, redirecting your advertising budget from traditional media to digital media, particularly advertising targeted to particular geographic areas, could be advantageous.

How Technology Will Continue to Play a Bigger Role in Real Estate

With no end in sight to the COVID-19 pandemic, some wonder if the way real estate transactions are conducted will forever remain virtual. Face-to-face interactions that were such a critical part of the buying and selling process have become challenging—if possible at all. But agents are turning to virtual methods of marketing their homes and doing business; some professionals are embracing the “new normal,” calling it a blessing in disguise.