Business and Life Coaches: Keep Yourself and Your Business Healthy During the Pandemic

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Marketing, Office Management, Productivity, Startup, Virtual Assistant, Workplace

These are uncertain times, especially for the self-employed and small business owners. Routines have been disrupted, contact with others is limited, and lives have been impacted beyond what we could have thought possible just a couple of weeks ago.  

As part of our series on running a business through COVID-19, today’s article is going to talk about how business and life coaches can weather this unprecedented storm. 

  1. Create new and relevant content.  Many businesses are struggling to figure out how they will cope in the face of new government restrictions and uncertain countermeasures.  Your expertise is needed and now is the time to build up good will.  Consider creating online materials on Coronavirus and potential responses, and post it online for free.  You’ll generate both interest and goodwill. 
  2. Develop a plan for working with clients during the pandemic. Since in-person sessions go against social distancing protocols, consider providing video-based coaching using Skype, Google Hangouts, or Zoom.  If you’ve been collaborating with clients via email, now is the time to upgrade to utilizing platforms like Slack, Asana, Trello, or Zoho Connect to connect.  You’ll find it easier to track your clients’ progress and share documents. 
  3. Stay top of mind with prospective clients.  Anxiety over the uncertain health and business climate may make some individuals tighten their belts and refrain from investing in a business coach at present, even if it’s something they need.  But that doesn’t mean they will never be interested.  Maintain a presence on social media.  Talk about strategies businesses are using.  Send emails to your list with helpful tips. 
  4. Keep networking, even from afar.  No, a telephone call or video chat is not the same thing as grabbing coffee or a drink with an associate or a friend.  But that’s what we have right now.  Check in with your contacts and make sure they’re doing okay.  Make sure that your networking groups are figuring out creative ways to get the group together.  Be prepared to lend a hand with technology (or find somebody savvy) if they aren’t. 

If you are a business or life coach and have discovered a successful way to keep yourself and your business healthy during the pandemic, we would love to hear about it. Post your thoughts on  Facebook  or  Twitter. If you’re looking for help reaching your users online, contact us. We are  happy to help.