Transitioning to a Virtual Law Firm

by | Mar 24, 2020 | Marketing, Office Management, Productivity, Startup, Virtual Assistant, Workplace

In the face of the Coronavirus epidemic, many law firms have been forced to go virtual as attorneys and paralegals work from home, increasingly relying on the cloud to get work done. While many legal organizations have employees who work remotely from time to time, few firms work completely remotely all the time. Remote working requires not just technological preparation, but cultural changes as well.

We wanted to share with you some resources to help your firm adapt to this new work environment:

  1. We posted a blog about best practices for managing virtual law firms here
  2. We recently provided general tips for managing a business from home in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak here.
  3. Now may be the time when you finally need to take full advantage of Clio. We covered Clio in this blog here
  4. For those litigators who are in the midst of fact discovery, Veritext has a remote deposition solution you can find here.
  5. Since in-person signatures are hard to obtain, using DocuSign can simplify obtaining them electronically.

If you’re in the legal industry and have discovered a successful way to persevere during the pandemic, share it on our Facebook or Twitter sites. We also have an MCLE course available that is approved for credit in California and Texas. Please contact us here if you’d be interested in scheduling a course for your firm or bar association.