Productivity Posts

by Michelle Allen | January 21, 2025 | Legal, Productivity

Family immigration attorneys face growing challenges as policy changes increase uncertainty and demand quick adaptation. With over 1 million family-sponsored immigrants admitted annually, the workload can quickly become overwhelming, especially during …

Man in a business suit pointing at a robot icon among a line of human icons.
by Michelle Allen | July 9, 2024 | Productivity, Virtual Assistant

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in the outsourcing industry, known for its complexity and potential to transform business operations. However, much remains unknown, and many challenges exist for business owners looking to incorporate AI. One of …

A person at a marble desktop writing in a brown notebook.
by Michelle Allen | January 10, 2024 | Business, Productivity

Starting and managing a business is an adventure full of exciting opportunities and challenges. However, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that about 20% of new businesses fail within the first two years, 45% within the first five years, and …

People in a meeting are gesturing and looking tense.
by Michelle Allen | October 24, 2023 | Productivity

Meetings are essential for collaboration and decision-making, but they can become counterproductive if not well-organized. Whether virtual or in-person, a well-planned meeting can save time, enhance productivity, and lead to effective outcomes. Follow …

Portrait smile virtual paralegal
by Michelle Allen | July 27, 2023 | Legal, Productivity

From organizational leadership to administrative work, effective practice management is essential to a law firm’s profitability and growth. If you’re an attorney who finds themselves spending too many hours and resources on non-billable tas …

women on computer
by Michelle Allen | June 30, 2023 | Legal, Productivity, Virtual Assistant

The lockdowns of the past few years have driven many law firms to adopt technology to enable remote work at unprecedented levels.  As clients have similarly adapted to working remotely, they are now expecting that law firms will make interactions more …

Two women and one man in an office, looking at a laptop screen.
by Michelle Allen | June 28, 2023 | Legal, Productivity

As an estate planning attorney, you know how important it is to have the right team to properly manage your firm and ensure that all your client’s legal needs are met. A virtual paralegal can be an invaluable asset to your estate planning firm, p …

Men’s hands on a laptop with a teal screen showing a white chatbot icon. A speech bubble from the laptop says, “What can I help you with?”
by Michelle Allen | June 7, 2023 | Productivity

In today’s digital landscape, content writing is vital for businesses that want to grab their audience’s attention online. Everyone wants top-notch content, so we need quick and effective ways to write it. That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) come …

Men’s hands typing on a laptop keyboard, with a brain icon and various business icons floating around it in the background.
by Michelle Allen | May 4, 2023 | Marketing, Productivity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool to help marketers create more effective campaigns and strategies. With the right AI strategy, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences that can be used to incre …

man on virtual call
by Michelle Allen | September 1, 2022 | Productivity, Virtual Assistant

A well-designed website showcases your products and services, attracting new customers, increasing credibility, and building brand awareness. Every detail makes an impression: the colors you choose, the photos you share, and the product descriptions th …

marketing director in office
by Lynn Yule | July 25, 2022 | Business, Marketing, Productivity

You are well into a marketing campaign. Your team is frantically writing content and posting it on social channels, and you’ve even taken out a few ads. All hands are on deck, chasing after the latest hot marketing trend. However, you don’t see results …

Man using calendar app on tablet in office
by Michelle Allen | April 25, 2022 | Productivity, Virtual Assistant

If you spend your workdays continually accepting random Zoom meetings, checking emails every time you get a notification, and chaotically moving from one unfinished task to the next, your calendar is probably out of control. But with just a little time …

Laptop screen displaying Google search
by Michelle Allen | January 28, 2022 | Business, Marketing, Productivity, Virtual Assistant

Throughout 2021, our virtual marketing assistants helped businesses and organizations adapt their SEO strategies to over a dozen updates that Google rolled out throughout the year. Two of these updates, MUM and Page Experience/Core Web Vitals, are expe …

happy woman using laptop
by Sue Collier | January 6, 2021 | Business, Productivity

The best PowerPoint presentations shouldn’t be remembered. Instead, they should fall into the background to support you and the message you’re trying to get across. What does stand out is a bad PowerPoint presentation. Whether it’s too many lines of te …

hands typing on a laptop
by Sue Collier | December 9, 2020 | Productivity

A content calendar is a way to plan the written content that you will be sharing on social media, email, or your website over the next week, month, or year. The calendar allows you to visualize what content will be distributed when and allows you to co …

dark tunnel
by Sue Collier | July 22, 2020 | Business, Productivity

From a business perspective, coronavirus has rendered the future almost impossible to predict.  The plan was that shutdowns in March would be followed by a gradual relaxation of restrictions and the ramp up of businesses.  It hasn’t turned out that way …

by Sue Collier | May 29, 2020 | Business, Marketing, Productivity, Virtual Assistant

It all started on May 4, 2020, and according to Google, its new Core Update completed about two weeks later. Shortly thereafter businesses began raising concerns over this so-called “pandemic update” and how it impacted their customers’ ability to find …

virtual bookkeeper with calculator

Let’s face it – few business owners perk up when told that new features have been added to their bookkeeping software.  However, while such announcements may not get your heart racing, they can offer opportunities to streamline your operations and save …

man in office working on computer

As many companies have transitioned to remote working, recruiting has typically not been a priority.  But as social distancing measures remain in place, more organizations will need to bring on talent without ever meeting them face-to-face.    One sign …

woman using laptop
by Eric Wall | April 2, 2020 | Business, Office Management, Productivity

Coronavirus has turned many people into telecommuters.  Adapting to working from home, however, isn’t easy, particularly if you have a spouse who is also working from home and children who are transitioning to a remote learning environment. Everybody w …

interior design office
by Eric Wall | March 31, 2020 | Office Management, Productivity, Startup, Workplace

With many of us forced to work from home in the wake of the Coronavirus epidemic, you may still be trying to figure out how to set yourself up so that you can be productive and try to keep some divide between your work space and living space.  Here are …

female hands on a laptop outside

These are uncertain times, especially for the self-employed and small business owners. Routines have been disrupted, contact with others is limited, and lives have been impacted beyond what we could have thought possible just a couple of weeks ago. …

man pointing at scales of justice icon

In the face of the Coronavirus epidemic, many law firms have been forced to go virtual as attorneys and paralegals work from home, increasingly relying on the cloud to get work done. While many legal organizations have employees who work remo …

keys in the lock of a front door

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted every industry, including real estate agents and brokers. As part of our series on COVID-19, today we’re going to explore how real estate agents and brokers can face the challenge raised by the pandemic. Gover …

woman doing yoga

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways, including the disruption of our daily routines and businesses.  However, uncertainty and disruption do not render us powerless.  Over the next few days, we are going to be releasin …

woman sitting on couch having coffee

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing the way companies are working.  In order to prevent the potential spread of the virus, for which there is no known vaccine, companies are expanding their remote working policies.  This includes not only workers who ha …

champagne and sparkler
by Eric Wall | January 5, 2017 | Productivity

The new year is when gym memberships are purchased, sweets and carbs are forsworn, and we strive to reinvent ourselves and redouble our efforts to reach personal goals. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners have similar goals for their business. …

preganant woman on the phone and holding laptop
by Eric Wall | November 15, 2016 | Business, Productivity

Moms—whether they are stay-at-home parents, self-employed, business owners, or corporate executives—are entrepreneurs by nature. From chef to chauffer and storyteller to nurse, moms must wear many hats and fill many roles on a daily basis. Mompreneurs, …

sleeping woman
by Eric Wall | April 15, 2016 | Productivity

Some of us are just not morning people. Are you one of us? You know who you are.You are a snooze-button hitter, shower prolonger, sock mismatcher, subway dozer, dazed looker, and double espresso drinker. In the mornings, you are there, but you are not …

by Eric Wall | April 14, 2016 | Productivity

There is a difference between being busy and being productive. “Busy” describes high energy flitting from one task to the next. There is a reason that the term “busy as a bee” is a sticky idiom: it provides a clear image of busy-ness. We can see the be …

interior design office
by Eric Wall | December 16, 2015 | Productivity

Let’s be honest: We all feel a tinge of envy when we learn about the new state-of-the-art campus that a tech giant has built in the heart of Silicon Valley. Google’s headquarters includes coffee bars, Lego play areas, and a dog friendly work environmen …

patriotic flipflops
by Eric Wall | August 2, 2015 | Productivity

For most of us, Independence Day has two-fold significance. First, it brings to mind vacation: crowded beaches, the smell of burning charcoal, the loud pop of fireworks, the taste of chocolate ice cream on a waffle cone. Second, we think of the histori …

mom in the kitchen holding a baby
by Heidi Hodges | July 31, 2015 | Productivity

Mothers Day is right around the corner and if you’re like a lot of people, you’ve not quite gotten around to getting Mom that perfect gift. The one to express your undying love and appreciation, all wrapped up in attractive packaging and a little bow. …

world map with pins
by Eric Wall | July 31, 2015 | Productivity

I often dream of recapturing the feeling that I used to have on the last day of the school year. The elation of school being at an end. The long, warm days suddenly free to be filled with anything my newly idle mind could imagine. Summer stretched out …

lightbulb made up of app icons
by Eric Wall | July 31, 2015 | Productivity

I confess that the welter of apps available often makes me want to turn ostrich and break out my flip phone or, better yet, invest in something with a rotary dial in a periwinkle hue. But the truth of the matter is that the right apps can make you fast …