Managing a team is a balancing act. A good manager knows how to provide proper supervision while granting her team members the discretion to exercise their own judgment. When you’re running a department or business that includes outsourced workers, the …
Heidi Hodges Posts

Video, video, video. Wherever you look on the internet, the message is the same. Video is where it’s at in 2019. And that’s true — to an extent. Though video may have killed the radio star, podcasting has brought audio-only content back with a vengean …

From senior marketing professionals to tech journalists to social media enthusiasts, the feeling is near unanimous — video is poised to be the most impactful marketing and sales tool in 2018. In fact, 53% of consumers want to see more video content, …

When my co-founder Eric and I started Equivity in 2014, we were still formulating an idea of what we wanted our business to be. We knew we wanted to help busy professionals and small businesses by providing both personal assistant and administrative as …

Social media occupies a paradoxical position in the lives of many small business owners. On one hand, your personal account is a tar pit that envelops your time. On the other hand, your business account is almost completely neglected. Many is the small …

Imagine waking up one morning to find that you’ve been attacked as a tyrant over your own company’s Twitter feed. That’s what happened to Robert Duffy, COO of Marc Jacobs, when an intern that was handling the fashion house’s Twitter feed, went on an on …

When it comes to innovative tools to help entrepreneurs and businesses build and operate their company, there is an embarrassment of riches that we can take advantage of. I wrote earlier in the year about tools you can use when starting up your own bus …

By now it is commonly known that people learn and understand information in different ways. Many people identify with the “visual learner” category (including this author) and according to research 65% of the population are visual learners. Fortunately …

Much has been written about the benefits of telecommuting for both employers and employees. Allowing employees to work remotely helps recruit and retain top talent, increases productivity for those that work better alone, and helps efforts to combat gl …

When we think of disasters that could interrupt the day-to-day function of business, earthquakes, floods, pandemics and cyber attacks commonly come to mind. However there is one business risk that is often overlooked, the Zombie Apocalypse. The risk th …

I’m going to let my dork flag fly. I have been waiting for this weekend to come for months now. As the date gets closer, I hear the theme music in my head, increasing in urgency and volume. I troll the internet searching for newly released trailers lik …

Mothers Day is right around the corner and if you’re like a lot of people, you’ve not quite gotten around to getting Mom that perfect gift. The one to express your undying love and appreciation, all wrapped up in attractive packaging and a little bow. …