man working in the real estate office on computer
by Michelle Allen | September 15, 2022 | Virtual Assistant

It can be challenging to run a real estate business. There are simply not enough hours in the day to complete everything that needs to be done, like managing clients, scheduling appointments, answering calls and emails, updating listings, completing ma …

man on virtual call
by Michelle Allen | September 1, 2022 | Productivity, Virtual Assistant

A well-designed website showcases your products and services, attracting new customers, increasing credibility, and building brand awareness. Every detail makes an impression: the colors you choose, the photos you share, and the product descriptions th …

african american women in office on phone
by Michelle Allen | August 18, 2022 | Business

When you are a business owner, you are responsible for overseeing every part of your operation. While the workload can be overwhelming at times, one of the keys to business success is simply staying organized. Use this weekly check list to analyze your …

by Eric Wall | August 12, 2022 | Legal, Virtual Assistant

As technology and the remote work movement continues to influence the practice of law, those in the legal profession are discovering the need to become more tech-savvy. From maintaining case files to assembling copies of briefs to preparing binders for …

by Lynn Yule | August 1, 2022 | Business, Marketing

Brands employ affiliate marketing programs to gain exposure, awareness, and revenue. They use this performance-driven tool to connect with influencers, paying only when the consumer follows through on the desired action, typically a sale. Affiliate mar …

marketing director in office
by Lynn Yule | July 25, 2022 | Business, Marketing, Productivity

You are well into a marketing campaign. Your team is frantically writing content and posting it on social channels, and you’ve even taken out a few ads. All hands are on deck, chasing after the latest hot marketing trend. However, you don’t see results …

by Lynn Yule | July 18, 2022 | Business, Marketing, Virtual Assistant

What is a Marketing Campaign? Every successful marketing campaign has one thing in common – extensive planning. Just as your marketing strategy and plan require detailed planning and documentation, so does each marketing campaign. Before we dive into t …

Shot of concentrated young business woman working with computer in the office.
by Lynn Yule | June 29, 2022 | Marketing

The customer journey and marketing funnel are critical marketing processes that add structure to your marketing activities. When used together, these complementary tools maximize your marketing initiatives. While it’s essential to understand the differ …

virtual marketing assistant
by Lynn Yule | June 7, 2022 | Marketing, Virtual Assistant

With over 57% of the world’s population using the internet, the digital landscape provides abundant opportunities for businesses to reach potential customers. It’s tempting to dive into creating a beautifully designed website and targeted social advert …

women on computer in office
by Juanita Johnson | May 31, 2022 | Marketing, Social Media

Are we talking about content marketing again? Yes, and we want to let you in on a little secret… content marketing is a big deal! When you browse online or at your favorite store, you have probably noticed that you’re continually being shown new prod …

what is social media marketing
by Michelle Allen | May 25, 2022 | Marketing, Social Media, Virtual Assistant

Social media marketing on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tik Tok, is one of the most powerful marketing tools in existence, offering you a free opportunity to expand the reach of your business, easily connect with your targe …

Man using calendar app on tablet in office
by Michelle Allen | April 25, 2022 | Productivity, Virtual Assistant

If you spend your workdays continually accepting random Zoom meetings, checking emails every time you get a notification, and chaotically moving from one unfinished task to the next, your calendar is probably out of control. But with just a little time …

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