by Eric Wall | August 5, 2016 | Business

Just about every employer wants workers who take initiative, responsibility, and can do their job without constant supervision. Very few employers, however, actually employ workforces where these types of workers predominate. What is the cause of the d …

by Eric Wall | July 27, 2016 | Business

Over the past several years, coworking spaces have exploded in popularity, peppering cities like New York, Detroit, London, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Berlin, Cleveland, and more. Their increasing popularity is due to their ability to help people save m …

by Eric Wall | July 22, 2016 | Marketing

Coming up with and executing content marketing ideas doesn’t have to be a long, grueling, or expensive process. When creating a content marketing strategy, you should plan on creating marketing collateral that aligns with your company goals. While ther …

by Eric Wall | July 11, 2016 | Business

We’ve all heard the saying, “I survived another meeting that should have been an email.” While not all meetings are unnecessary, many of them suck up participants‘ time that could have been better spent elsewhere. In particular, as organizations increa …

by Eric Wall | July 7, 2016 | Marketing

There are few things more frustrating than spending time on a blog, social media post, or email marketing campaign and having the content become obsolete as quickly as last month’s most tweeted meme. While frequently creating new content allows for mor …

by Eric Wall | June 30, 2016 | Marketing

The problem with getting marketing help, is not knowing where to go, but knowing when you’ve come to the right place. Aside from perusing resumes and profiles or speaking to a candidate about their job history and expertise, how can you know you’re fin …

by Eric Wall | June 29, 2016 | Virtual Assistant

As an entrepreneur, you can’t afford to try out every newly touted business service that is supposed to make you more productive. Your money may be limited, and your time certainly is. Finding services to improve your productivity is about finding the …

by Eric Wall | June 9, 2016 | Virtual Assistant

I once had a summer job at a law firm in D.C. The firm was located right on the shores of the Potomac and most offices had a view of the river as it lazily flowed on toward the Watergate Hotel, past Kennedy Center, and the Lincoln Memorial. Below the o …

by Eric Wall | May 26, 2016 | Business

We all have hacks or shortcuts we use to make our lives easier, both professionally and personally. Quickly looking for a quality olive oil to include in a dinner you’re planning on cooking to impress your mother-in-law? You grab the expensive stuff. L …

by Eric Wall | May 17, 2016 | Business

You have a presentation to give at work tomorrow morning, an important meeting to set up with a client at the end of the week, and your son needs help building a diorama for his Monday science class on top of a number of other deadlines you have to jug …

by Eric Wall | May 6, 2016 | Business

While cooking offers opportunities for experimentation and leeway for correcting slightly disappointing dishes, (Chili too watery? Add a teaspoon of flour. Chicken slightly undercooked? Throw it back on the grill for a few minutes.) baking requires str …

by Eric Wall | April 29, 2016 | Business

Every episode of a police procedural features a scene in which detectives look into an interrogation room at a suspect through a one-way mirror. The suspect knows that he is being watched, but he can’t see what the police are doing. The one-way mirror …

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