by Sue Collier | October 15, 2020 | Business, Marketing

In an increasingly digital world, one way to distinguish yourself is refreshingly old-school:  publishing your own book.  A book is an instant reputation-builder:  It conveys expertise in a subject matter, provides a platform for your ideas, and serves …

by Eric Wall | September 17, 2020 | Legal

Even as we move toward the end of 2020, the physical offices of many law firms are still closed with no plans to reopen anytime soon. As remote legal practices remain the norm, the task of keeping client files and other proprietary information safe is …

by Sue Collier | August 24, 2020 | Marketing

When much of the country went on lockdown in March 2020 given fears of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the nation, many industries had to quickly pivot. The real estate industry is just one of the many that thrive on personal connection—from home sho …

by Sue Collier | July 22, 2020 | Business, Productivity

From a business perspective, coronavirus has rendered the future almost impossible to predict.  The plan was that shutdowns in March would be followed by a gradual relaxation of restrictions and the ramp up of businesses.  It hasn’t turned out that way …

by Sue Collier | May 29, 2020 | Business, Marketing, Productivity, Virtual Assistant

It all started on May 4, 2020, and according to Google, its new Core Update completed about two weeks later. Shortly thereafter businesses began raising concerns over this so-called “pandemic update” and how it impacted their customers’ ability to find …

Let’s face it – few business owners perk up when told that new features have been added to their bookkeeping software.  However, while such announcements may not get your heart racing, they can offer opportunities to streamline your operations and save …

As many companies have transitioned to remote working, recruiting has typically not been a priority.  But as social distancing measures remain in place, more organizations will need to bring on talent without ever meeting them face-to-face.    One sign …

by Eric Wall | April 17, 2020 | Business

The lending process involved in getting a small business loan can often be frustrating and complicated for those who aren’t experienced in the realm of finances. The stress associated with finding a small business loan is particularly acute in light of …

by Eric Wall | April 2, 2020 | Business, Office Management, Productivity

Coronavirus has turned many people into telecommuters.  Adapting to working from home, however, isn’t easy, particularly if you have a spouse who is also working from home and children who are transitioning to a remote learning environment. Everybody w …

by Eric Wall | March 31, 2020 | Office Management, Productivity, Startup, Workplace

With many of us forced to work from home in the wake of the Coronavirus epidemic, you may still be trying to figure out how to set yourself up so that you can be productive and try to keep some divide between your work space and living space.  Here are …

These are uncertain times, especially for the self-employed and small business owners. Routines have been disrupted, contact with others is limited, and lives have been impacted beyond what we could have thought possible just a couple of weeks ago. …

In the face of the Coronavirus epidemic, many law firms have been forced to go virtual as attorneys and paralegals work from home, increasingly relying on the cloud to get work done. While many legal organizations have employees who work remo …

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