Why Bankruptcy Firms Should Consider Hiring Virtual Paralegals

by | May 17, 2023 | Legal

As a bankruptcy attorney, it is essential that you have the right team in place to ensure your firm’s success. Building a reliable and knowledgeable team of individuals who can effectively manage your practice and provide quality legal services to your clients is essential in growing your organization. Here are four ways a virtual paralegal can improve the productivity of your estate planning firm:

1.  Providing Office Support

Dealing with the complexities of bankruptcy law while managing a growing business can be challenging. Many law firms are turning to virtual paralegals to handle the day-to-day tasks associated with the practice, such as billing, invoicing, and client intake. A virtual paralegal offers you cost savings and greater flexibility in providing support services to clients.

Virtual paralegals can perform a wide range of tasks including drafting legal forms and pleadings, tracking deadlines, and filing court documents. Additionally, they can help manage attorney schedules and court deadlines, oversee client information databases, prepare reports, and assist with research projects.

2.  Case Management

A virtual paralegal can be a tremendous asset to your firm for bankruptcy case management. Highly trained in the nuances of bankruptcy proceedings and with a keen eye for detail, a virtual paralegal can help streamline business operations at any bankruptcy firm.

Virtual paralegals are experts in document assembly, preparing pleadings and motions for filing, docketing deadlines, tracking client payments, and other administrative tasks. With their expertise, they can help your firm manage trustee requests, the claims objections process, attend creditor meetings and confirmation hearings, and handle e-filing. They can also assist you with research by gathering information from public record sources like court documents and financial statements related to each case.


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3.  Document Preparation and Drafting

An experienced paralegal can draft documents such as adversary proceedings, plans of reorganization, and reaffirmation agreements. They can also prepare documents related to confirmation hearings, monthly operating reports for Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies, and removal of judgments and liens against client assets. Whether you’re looking for ongoing support or occasional help, virtual bankruptcy paralegals ensure that deadlines are met without sacrificing quality.

4.  Client Communications

Virtual bankruptcy paralegals can help your firm with client communications, a tedious process that requires more time and resources than most law offices have available. As legal teams become stretched thin from the current influx of cases, virtual paralegals are an ideal solution to bridge the gap.

Communication is vital in any case, and having a qualified professional dedicated to responding to inquiries quickly can make all the difference to maintaining successful client relationships. Your clients will benefit from virtual bankruptcy paralegals’ timely and accurate responses to questions. In addition, virtual bankruptcy paralegals can help provide important information related to filing bankruptcies and how it can impact a client’s overall financial situation.

Virtual paralegals can provide a great deal of value to any bankruptcy practice. They offer a range of services that can lessen your workload, streamline your practice, and save time.

Get your firm the additional experienced legal support it needs. Contact us today to get started.