Workplace Posts

virtual bookkeeper with calculator

Let’s face it – few business owners perk up when told that new features have been added to their bookkeeping software.  However, while such announcements may not get your heart racing, they can offer opportunities to streamline your operations and save …

man in office working on computer

As many companies have transitioned to remote working, recruiting has typically not been a priority.  But as social distancing measures remain in place, more organizations will need to bring on talent without ever meeting them face-to-face.    One sign …

interior design office
by Eric Wall | March 31, 2020 | Office Management, Productivity, Startup, Workplace

With many of us forced to work from home in the wake of the Coronavirus epidemic, you may still be trying to figure out how to set yourself up so that you can be productive and try to keep some divide between your work space and living space.  Here are …

female hands on a laptop outside

These are uncertain times, especially for the self-employed and small business owners. Routines have been disrupted, contact with others is limited, and lives have been impacted beyond what we could have thought possible just a couple of weeks ago. …

man pointing at scales of justice icon

In the face of the Coronavirus epidemic, many law firms have been forced to go virtual as attorneys and paralegals work from home, increasingly relying on the cloud to get work done. While many legal organizations have employees who work remo …

keys in the lock of a front door

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted every industry, including real estate agents and brokers. As part of our series on COVID-19, today we’re going to explore how real estate agents and brokers can face the challenge raised by the pandemic. Gover …

woman doing yoga

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways, including the disruption of our daily routines and businesses.  However, uncertainty and disruption do not render us powerless.  Over the next few days, we are going to be releasin …

woman sitting on couch having coffee

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing the way companies are working.  In order to prevent the potential spread of the virus, for which there is no known vaccine, companies are expanding their remote working policies.  This includes not only workers who ha …