by Eric Wall | June 12, 2017 | Virtual Assistant

In the right hands, a virtual assistant can be like a genie granting wishes to your small business – you send out your difficult projects to your VA and you receive the completed work correctly done and on time. But getting started with your VA is not …

by Eric Wall | May 29, 2017 | Marketing

Marketing a small business is an exciting and daunting task. There are countless choices as to how you spend your marketing budget online, and campaigns that were effective several months ago may suddenly lose their potency. A strategy that worked for …

by Eric Wall | May 17, 2017 | Business

There are few rewards to be reaped without taking risks, and building a startup or small business is no different. Starting a small business is scary, nerve-wracking, and uncertain. While being an entrepreneur is never a cakewalk, it gets easier once y …

by Eric Wall | May 10, 2017 | Marketing

Any marketing expert can tell you the value of a social media influencer – a highly followed user of a social media platform who blogs, tweets, or otherwise posts on a topic related to your business. Marketers attempt to win over these influencers as a …

by Eric Wall | April 26, 2017 | Business

Work-life balance is a hot topic these days. Many working individuals claim it is one of their highest motivating factors for choosing a profession or a company to work for; other hard working professionals claim it is a myth and we shouldn’t be adding …

by Eric Wall | April 14, 2017 | Marketing

One of the most important components to being a mobile-ready business is being accessible; you want your customers to be able to easily find your small business online and interact with you in streamlined manner. Without mobile marketing integrated int …

by Eric Wall | March 30, 2017 | Marketing

Did you know that small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads than companies without one? Blogs tend to be one of the easier and more cost-effective ways to generate not only interest but actual sales and revenue. Why? Consumers tend to regula …

by Eric Wall | March 14, 2017 | Marketing

Whether you are a small business or a Fortune 500 corporation, when it comes to email marketing, one metric stands out above the others: click rate. A click rate, which is literally the rate at which the people you are sending emails to are clicking on …

by Eric Wall | February 24, 2017 | Business

Small businesses do not have the same resources to invest in technology as large enterprises. Often, there are higher priorities for spending resources than upgrading legacy accounting systems or deploying state-of-the-art servers to host your data. So …

by Eric Wall | February 10, 2017 | Marketing

However ubiquitous the internet is, people still enjoy going to their local stores. Maybe it’s the local comic book store that serves as the nexus of a graphic novel-oriented subculture. Maybe it’s a boutique clothing store that mothers have been takin …

by Eric Wall | January 25, 2017 | Business

One of the most challenging hurdles for many small businesses and startups is increasing visibility and getting found by new customers. Being present and prolific on social media is a smart placeto start, but won’t necessarily guarantee potential clien …

by Eric Wall | January 13, 2017 | Marketing

Brilliant ideas don’t always have grand beginnings. In fact, there are several visionaries who were known for scribbling the first iterations of their genius in notepads or on cocktail napkins and Post-It notes. Robert Metcalfe, who co-invented Etherne …

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